Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hurricane Ike

I admit that I was a bit excited for a hurricane. We have had so many fause alarms and it looked like we were going to get some good action this time. It wasn't until several hours before Ike made landfall that I started to become worried. The storm surges were already 10-15 high. They were saying that Galveston Island would be completely under water. Fortunately, we were very lucky. We had no damage (thanks to the new neighborhood, we had no big trees) and we only lost power for 5 days. Here are some pictures of our neighborhood. There are still many, many people that are without power.


The Morgans said...

Maybe you should move back to Utah. We don't have hurricanes here...

Boud Family said...

Hmmm, that's something to think about.....for about 2 seconds! Come on, Texas is Texas!