Friday, November 21, 2008

Jacob's Recital

Jacob has been taking piano lessons from my Aunt Melanie since the start of the summer. As I expected, he's doing great. He has always loved puzzles and math and so I knew this would be something he would be good at and love. His first recital was a couple weeks ago. He played 3 pieces. 2 of them were duets with me. He thought that was really cool. He was the only student to not make any mistakes (even I messed up).


Naihe Family said...

That is sooo cool. I want to teach my kids, but I don't think I have enough patience/time.

TheAndFam said...

Good job Jacob! You are better than mommy!!

Hardy said...

How wonderful that you and Jacob have such fun sharing in your talents! I can't believe how grown up he is.

You have such a cute family Lindsey!! =)

AmyJo said...

Good job Jacob!