Friday, March 16, 2012
Change of Plans
There are many benefits to this plan. Because Jim will be traveling to Russia 3 times and staying in our duplex, he'll be able to start taking over supplies. He will also be able to 'scope out the town' and tell me what we'll need to bring. It's also nice that I'll be able to prepare at a much slower pace. The kids will ALL start school in the fall (and I'll have complete freedom for 2 weeks), but we'll pull them out in November. I will also be able to stay under the close eye of my doctor.
It will be super hard during the months that Jim is gone, but this plan is way better than the other options. Here are his travel dates for your viewing pleasure:
May 10-June 6 in Russia
June 7-July 9 in Houston
July 10-Aug 14 in Russia
Aug 15-Oct 3 in Houston
Oct 4-31 in Russia
Nov 1 back to Houston until we all move to Russia
Friday, March 9, 2012
Another Step Closer
Like I said before, the plan is for the kids and I to return to the states at the beginning of August to have the baby. After the baby is born, we have to get his passport asap. After Russia gets a copy of his passport, they begin the visa for him. I was told today that it will take 6 weeks. Why the big hurry? Because while Jim will be able to come to the states for the birth, he will need to return to Russia shortly afterwards. We're looking at 2-3 months of not being together (and more importantly, of me being a single mom--yuck!). The sooner we get baby's visa, the sooner we can be together as a family again.
Sidebar to all this: Jim has been in Malaysia for the past 8 days and will be there for another week. And, looks like he will continue to travel while we're in Russia. I do hope I can make some great friends over there! Shouldn't be a problem...I'm a hoot.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
The Money Shot
New Assignment- Big Changes
Jim is being transferred to Sakhalin, Russia for a 3 year assignment! We're very excited for the adventure. Sakhalin is an island off the east coast of Russia and just north of Japan. Very remote. The climate is cold and humid. It is currently 16 degrees and snowing over there and the summers are mild, reaching the low 80's. We will be living on a compound in a duplex that is about 2,600 square feet. 4 bedrooms and fully furnished. The compound has playgrounds for the kids and a fitness center. It also has a convenience store and a medical clinic.
We've already done the whole passport thing, which was not a complete nightmare, but not my favorite experience. Those will be done sometime next week and we can apply for visas which will take 8-10 weeks. Jim has had his medical evaluation where he received 4 booster shots. The kids will also need shots. I get a free pass until the baby is born. And speaking of the baby: So, a week ago an ultra sound tech, with all certainty, told me that we're having a boy. While I believe her, I was only 11 weeks along. Needless to say, I'm keeping receipts. But, preparations have begun because I have to get this all done before we go. I can't buy cribs, high chair, car seats, etc in Sakhalin. (we thought we were done having kids and I got rid of EVERYTHING). I went to the Children's Place last week just to see what they had and as luck would have it they were having their winter blow out sale. I got lots of long sleeved shirts, jackets, sweaters, mitten, etc for all the kids. I also made a huge purchase: infant car seat/stroller, jumperoo, port-a-crib, toddler car seat, and a high chair. My front entry way is full of boxes and my office is filling up with baby clothes and winter gear. Over the next several weeks there will be doctor and dentist check-ups, organizing, and lots of shopping! And by the way, Jim is leaving for Malaysia today and will be gone for 16 days--BOO! (but at least when I bring home bags and bags of clothes from shopping I don't have to see his wide eyes).
Here's the plan: We're supposed to leave somewhere around May 1st. There will be 2 shipments for us. The smaller shipment will get to Russia in 2 weeks and will be things we need right away like toys, clothes, Larkin's Pedia-Sure, etc. The larger shipment will take several months and will have stuff like the kids' bikes, baby furniture, and winter gear. The kids and I will be coming back to Houston at the end of July or beginning of August so that I can have the baby over here. Jim will come back just before the baby is born (beginning of September). We will have to stay until the baby gets a visa/passport which could take 4 weeks, but Jim will have to get back to work. So, that means I get to fly from Houston to Russia (no direct flights people) with all 4 kids alone. Should be pretty fun.
My doctor knows that we're moving and is planning on running several extensive ultra sounds and bloodwork. He has some concerns because of my 3 previous C-sections. If the tests show any abnormalities, the kids and I will be staying in Houston until the baby is born. Not our favorite option, but we'll do what is best for the baby and me.
One thing that I've learned so far in this process is that things change...usually because of new information. So everything that I've just typed could all be wrong in a few weeks. We'll see.
Stayed tuned! This is going to be an adventure!