Sunday, April 19, 2009

More Cancer

My mother-in-law was here for a visit this weekend. While we were out shopping we were talking about a friend of mine who recently found out she had cancer and passed away only 5 days later. I told my mother-in-law that it seems as though every time I turn around someone new has cancer. Later that day I found out that my cousin's little 2 year old boy has a brain tumor. Very luckily, it was only 1 inch and they were able to remove it all. However, it looks like he will need chemo. I saw a bumper sticker that I think sums it all up: 'CANCER SUCKS!' Please pray for Teague Wiggington.


Anonymous said...


And prayed :)
I know what you mean about more and more people close to us having cancer. I don't know what's causing all of this... I hope we find out and then I hope we get to avoid it more.

The Silly Witch said...

I didn't know anyone with cancer until I was almost an adult. My kids definitely do not have that luxury.

Seth Washburn said...

I have a shirt that says cancer sucks from my past experience. What a blessing to be able to remove it all! But it is so sad to think of anyone going through chemo...expecially a little child. he will be in my prayers.

Seth Washburn said...

(oops, that was Tiffany commenting... not Seth! I get in trouble when I do that :)