Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sleeping Babies

Larkin is recovering from a little bug and is still a little tired from not sleeping so well at night and being sick. This afternoon, she gathered up some toys in her stroller and sat down to watch Mickey Mouse and promptly pooped out!

Over the past week or so, we've been trying to get Rainey to sleep in her own bed across the hall in Larkin's room. None of the kids were fans of the new sleeping arrangements so we let Rainey go back to Jacob's bed. Obviously, Jacob and Rainey like sleeping together.


Tiffany W. said...

How could you possibly deny those kids of sleeping together? It is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

TheAndFam said...

Hahahaha! Those pictures are cute!! I love them!!

Lindsey Boud said...

It's true. They truly love sleeping together. And, Larkin loves having the girl's room to herself.