Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back to Square One

the dr. called today and told me that Larkin's culture showed NO infection. So what is it? Why is she in pain when she tries to 'go'? Why did the test in the dr's office show blood in her urine and her white blood cell count was high? He doesn't know. At the beginning of the conversation, he told me to take her off the antibiotics, but after some talking, he told me to keep her on it for a couple days, "If she's still not better by Monday, bring her in and we'll put in a catheter." Oh goodie! She'll LOVE that. The dr. seemed to focus in on her yeast infection (which is 99% gone) and her constipation. I explained that I don't think she was ever constipated, but that she was holding everything in because it hurts to pee. He told me to keep her on the Meralax anyway. MmmK. We'll see. I'll post update.

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