Monday, July 27, 2009


Sweet Larkin has been sick for quite awhile. On Friday afternoon, I called the nurse and explained that she has had a fever off and on for 2 weeks....along with some other symptoms. I asked her if ordering a blood test would be appropriate. She said that she'd have the Doctor call me back. When he called, he told me to buy Culturelle from the pharmacy and see if she improves. This medicine boosts your immune system, improves digestive health, and restores the natural balance of good bacteria in your digestive tract. We went out and bought it ($18...ouch!) and put it in her juice. She perked up quickly and was nearly fever-free on Saturday and Sunday. However, being the paranoid mom that I am, I still took her in this morning for a blood test. The doctor also ordered a urine test, but we're still working on that (I'll spare you the details). Her blood work should be back on Wednesday or Thursday.

I've always known from the time she was 2 months old that she was going to be a sick little child. My gut tells me that her immune system just can't fight off infections as quickly as others. Call it 'mother's intuition', but I've always had a feeling that she was going to be sicker than my other kids. I hope it's only an immune system disorder or something and nothing horrible and untreatable. Then of course, it could be nothing. We'll see.


Tiffany W. said...

Poor Larkin! We hope she feels better soon! We'll keep her in our prayers.

The Silly Witch said...

It's so scary when our little ones are sick. Beautiful little Larkin please feel better soon.

Lindsey Boud said...

I believe that she has been suffering from a UTI and that she may have kidney reflux, like several members of our family. I'm taking her in today to try and get that urine test.