Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another Test

After speaking with Larkin's doctor again on Thursday, he decided that she needs a Renal Ultra Sound. From what I understand, this means that they inject dye into her to see what happens. They are checking for any kind of blockage. The ultra sound is scheduled for Tuesday morning at 10:30 with an arrival time of 10:00. My good friend has volunteered to watch Jacob and Rainey for me. It was a huge relief to have her step in like that because I didn't know what I was going to do with them. Thanks Tiff! I owe you one!

Larkin's condition changes daily. One day she seems to feel fine and another she's miserable. While yesterday was a bad day with her being in a lot of pain, today is a good day and she doesn't seem to be in any pain at all. The ultra sound results are supposed to be back right away on Tuesday...we'll see.


Tiffany W. said...

Let me know when you want to drop them off... anytime is fine. Connor is very excited to see Jacob! I just wish it was under better circumstances. We will continue to keep Larkin in our prayers.

Lindsey Boud said...

thanks for the prayers. i think that that is why she hasn't been in so much pain lately.

The Silly Witch said...

Ugh. Hopefully they will find a way to help her. I'm thinking of you guys.